Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (UMCS), Poland is one of the biggest and most important Universities in Poland. It has approximately 1800 staff members and 34 000 students. UMCS offers a very wide range of courses, including postgraduate and doctoral ones. It also carries out vast research being involved in more than 1000 research projects both national and international. MCSU is organized into 10 faculties. The research in science education, science teachers’ education as well as cooperation with regional schools are carried out by the Departments/Laboratories of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geography Education that are included in the respective science subject faculties. UMCS carries a vast and diverse activity in the field of science education cooperating with almost all Polish universities, the National In-Service Teachers’ Training Centre and its regional centres. The Ministry of Education often makes use of the expertise of university workers in the field of science education. The achievements of UMCS workers involve many scientific papers, guidelines for teachers, curricula and textbooks. They have very good contacts with regional schools organizing conferences and meetings for science teachers. UMCS was the organizer of many national and international conferences for science teachers, for example: 3rd European Conference on Research in Chemical Education (1995), II IOSTE Regional Symposium for Central and East European Countries (1997), International Symposium “Education of Science Teachers” (1998) and XI Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education, (2004). In 1997-2000 the University was the coordinator of the Tempus project: “Science Teachers’ Education Program”. In 2000 within the Socrates project there was organized the course for the chemistry teachers from European countries. The university workers took part in the Socrates-Comenius projects: “Science Teacher Education Development in Europe”, „Systematic Professional Development Through Science Teacher Education Modules” and “Crossing Boundaries in Science Teacher Education” as well as in the international research projects: “Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship” within FP6 and the “The Relevance of Science Education” coordinated by the Oslo University.
Prof. Dr. Ryszard M. Janiuk is the head of the Department of Chemical Education at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University. He was the head of postgraduate studies for chemistry teachers (1988-1994). He is the member of the Board of the Educational Division of the Polish Chemical Society and the representative of the Polish Chemical Society in the Division of Chemical Education of the EuChemMS and chairman of the Science Education Committee of the Polish Science Societies. He was the member of the Scientific Committees of many international conferences on chemistry and science education as well as of the Editorial Boards of the journals on the research and practice of science education. He is the author of textbooks for chemistry teaching and over 60 publications concerning, among others, the problems of learning general chemistry, function of theories and theoretical models in teaching and learning chemistry, integrated teaching of science subjects and new methods of science teachers’ education.
Dr. Elwira Samonek-Miciuk is the researcher in the Department of Biology Education and the head of postgraduate studies for elementary science and biology teachers. She is the author of many papers and books on teaching biology and environmental education. She participated actively in many international research and educational projects as well as international conferences on science education.
Dr. Jarosław Dymara is the lecturer in the Department of Chemical Education. He was involved in organization of numerous national and international research and educational projects as well as conferences. His main field of interest is application of IT in science education. He is the author of many books for chemistry student assessment.
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