Valahia University of Targoviste (VUT) is a 17 years old state university. The appearance of the University was determined by objective requests of Romanian Higher Education Development, the decentralization of the huge university centers, but also, by the existence of the valuable human potential and old cultural and historical traditions. Its structure comprises 8 faculties (long-term courses of 3 or 4 years), 8 departments (including Valahia University of Targoviste Library), 31 licence’s degree specializations, 36 Master’s degree programmes, doctoral studies (in History, Materials Science and Economy area), teacher training courses and distance and lifelong learning courses. At present, over 12000 students attend all forms of study under the competent guidance of over 320 teachers organized in 20 educational departments, benefiting from adequate learning facilities. Apart from didactic and scientific research activities, Valahia University Targoviste comprises Centres of lifelong learning, catering for the needs of the social and economic community it serves.
VUT has a wide European experience gained mostly in the frame of Socrates-Comenius Programmes. The obtained results encouraged the projects teams to continue and assume roles and tasks in other projects. The project teams has a great expertise in the area of project management, pedagogical use of ICT, designing ICT tools for educational purposes, multimediatic communication, educational and e-learning platforms, web-tools for on-line assessment etc. The main European projects carried on were: a. 106469-CP-1-2002-1-ES-COMENIUS-C21: “Think, Construct and Communicate: ICT as a Virtual Learning Environment” (2002 - 2005) – VUT as partner –; b. 118766-CP-1-2004-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21: “FISTE – A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training Across Europe” (2004 - 2007) – VUT as coordinator –; c. 128989-CP-1-2006-1-RO-COMENIUS-C21: “VccSSe – Virtual Community Collaborating Space for Science Education” (2006 - 2009) – VUT as coordinator–; d. 134405-LLP-1-2007-1-TR-COMENIUS-CMP: “BSI - Broad Sweeps Of Imagination - A New Method to Teach a Foreign Language” (2007 - 2009) – VUT as partner –.
Assoc. Prof. Gabriel Gorghiu is working at the Automatics, Informatics and Electrical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Faculty at VUT. He has a great experience in working on the European programs as he was involved since 1995 in different projects on Tempus and Socrates frameworks as well as National Research Projects. His area of interest is composed by: data processing, processes and phenomena modeling and educational technologies - e-learning, interaction and virtual communication, web-based learning platforms, using ICT for educational purposes. He coordinated the European Socrates Comenius 2.1 Project: “VccSSe – Virtual Community Collaborating Space for Science Education”.
Acad. Prof. Florin Gheorghe Filip took his MSc and PhD in control engineering from the TU “Politehnica” of Bucharest. In 1991 He was elected as a member of the Romanian Academy (RA). He has been a scientific researcher at the National R&D Institute in Informatics (ICI) of Bucharest. Currently he is a part-time researcher at the National Institute of Economic Researches (INCE) of the RA, also the director of the Library of the Academy. He was elected as vice-president of RA in 2000 and re-elected in 2002 and 2006. His main scientific interests include decision support systems, technology management and foresight.
Assist. Mihai Bizoi is working at the Automatics, Informatics and Electrical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Faculty at VUT. He was/is involved in different ICT projects (research and educational) at national and international level. His current research interests include communications-driven decision support systems, group decision support systems, web development, web collaborative technologies and educational use of ICT. He was member of the VUT mentioned projects team.
Assist. Ana-Maria Suduc is working at the Automatics, Informatics and Electrical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Faculty at VUT. She was/is involved in different ICT projects (research and educational) at national and international level. Her current research interests include interfaces for decision support systems, group decision support systems, web development, web interfaces and educational use of ICT. She was member of the VUT above mentioned projects team.
Assoc. Prof. Laura Monica Gorghiu is actually the Dean of the Faculty at VUT. She has a great experience in the field of Science teaching, ICT and European projects. She participated actively in International Projects (both Educational Programmes and Research Programmes) as member in the team, Local Coordinator and also as General Coordinator (she coordinated the European Socrates Comenius 2.1 Project: “FISTE – A Future Way for In-Service Teacher Training Across Europe”). She has gained great experience in creating and organizing specific frames for developing on-line courses dedicated to Science in-service teachers and specific training modules for introducing ICT in education, pedagogical use of ICT, e-learning / cooperative platforms, making analysis and linking with the primary and secondary educational environment.
Local website of the PROFILES group of the Valahia University Targoviste