WP 7: Student Gains
The major task of Work Package 7 (Evaluating Student Gains) is to estimate the effectiveness of the PROFILES project in general including the teacher training programmes (WP5) and the resulting teachers’ continuous professional development (WP6) effected by this. Moreover, the impact of the developed or adapted innovative learning environments (WP4) as well as the intervention based on the PROFILES type modules and approaches is evaluated with an emphasis on the "Students’ Gains".
Different instruments to analyze students’ gains were adapted for this purpose and introduced to the partners at the PROFILES consortium meetings and workshops. The PROFILES Steering Committee agreed on concentrating on one specific instrument, the “Instrument for Analyzing the ‘Motivational Learning Environment’ (MoLE)”. The partners translated this instrument into their local languages and started their data collection within the frame of a pre-post-test- or a treatment-control-group-design. The data collected in the “PROFILES (treatment) classes” is currently analyzed by means of statistical methods. Reports on the results from this investigation within the partner countries are expected from 2013 onwards.
This Work Package is led by: