WP 8: Dissemination and Networking
As the leader of work package 8 the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt is responsible for the dissemination and networking process of the PROFILES project.
As a key feature of PROFILES, dissemination will emanate from all partners and all activities. In order to set up an effective network the coordinator of this work package will initiate a small dissemination sub-group of 4-5 partners. Each sub-group partner will interlink with the different stakeholders. While the maintenance of the project website will be developed and maintained by the project Coordination and local websites by the relevant project partner, the dissemination group will closely monitor all websites through selected, identified responsibilities.
Proposed dissemination approaches include:
Local project website for each partner
Worldwide/regional conferences
Local seminars, workshops, presentations
Using and disseminating developed teaching modules
European/international conference presentations
Journal articles
Case studies
Stakeholder related publications
Project newsletter
Setting up teachers’ networks
This Work Package is led by: